About Us

Disability owned – Nothing for us without us!

IAccessible is a disability owned social enterprise built on the premise of “nothing for us without us!” with a target to channel the skills and experience of people with disabilities to bridge the #DisabilityDivide”. Everyone at IAccessible, including the founders, Aman Singal and Manish Agrawal, has lived experience of disabilities. We have been driving accessibility innovations in large enterprises like Microsoft and other companies for years.

The #Disability Divide is growing

Around the world, more than one billion people or about 15% to 20% of the world’s entire population live with some form of disability (Source: World Health Org). The global market of people with disabilities is over 1 billion people with a spending power of more than $6 trillion (Source: The Business Case for Digital Accessibility). In spite of these numbers, today’s digital world is highly inaccessible. There is growing demand to bridge this #DisabilityDivide in all small and large scale digital experiences. The #DisabilityDivide, however, continues to grow.

Building and testing products in partnership with people with disabilities expands your market opportunities

On one hand, most accessibility design, testing, and support is done by people who may have some training of accessibility standards but have no experience with disabilities. These applications may potentially meet the bare minimum accessibility compliance standards but are often very poor in usability for assistive technology users.

There is a talent pool of people with lived experience with disabilities to do this

On the other hand, many skilled disabled users struggle with not being able to find a reasonable job with the unemployment rate of people with disabilities being 2X everyone else in the developed countries. This unemployment rate is abysmally low in the developing world where most people with disabilities actually live. When trained in using assistive technologies, these people with disabilities can become an excellent resource for the companies struggling to understand and meet their needs in the first place.

We hire and train people with disabilities to bridge this gap

We created IAccessible to help bridge this gap in our society. We work with many non-profit organizations that assist disabled people learn assistive tools and become self-reliant. As a social enterprise, IAccessible is disability owned and hires people with disabilities. We train these people to perform accessibility design, reviews, and testing. Being real assistive technology users, these people are able to provide effective inputs to software makers that truly help build better experiences for everyone.

      To find out more about our products and services, please contact us at:


mail: info@iaccessible.net