IAccessible’s Include series

We are excited to announce the launch of IAccessible’s “Include” series. This series is designed to bring together thought leaders, industry experts, and accessibility enthusiasts to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the accessibility space.

Disability:in 2024

IAccessible was present at the Disability:in conference for the first time this year in Las Vegas. It was one of the best represented conferences I have attended in terms of mainstream enterprises and organizations vying to show their commitment to disability inclusion.

Include: Culture Change - accessibility beyond compliance

IAccessible hosted its second event in the Include series on 29th of February 2024 at Microsoft Reactor building 20 on the topic: Accessibility Beyond Compliance.

Include: AI and Accessibility

We had our first event in IAccessible’s “Include” series in December at the beautiful Microsoft Reactor location. More than 70 accessibility enthusiasts came together for a great discussion on accessibility and AI.